Brexit and Human Rights
- Rights at Risk: a collection of Scottish civil society perspectives on the possible impact of Brexit, March 2017
- The Civil Society Brexit Project: Brexit and Human Rights, April 2019
- Asking Some Important Questions: a collation of Scottish civil society questions for UK and Scottish Governments after UK withdrawal from the European Union, September 2021
Brexit and Social Rights
- The Civil Society Brexit Project: Keeping Up with the EU: Overview of EU Social Rights Framework, March 2021
- The Civil Society Brexit Project: Keeping Up with the EU: Social Rights Developments, March 2021
Brexit and Women’s Rights
- The Civil Society Brexit Project: Brexit and Women’s Rights, May 2019
- The Civil Society Brexit Project: Brexit and Violence Against Women and Girls, July 2019
Brexit and Employment Rights
- The Civil Society Brexit Project: Brexit and Employment Rights, April 2019
- The Civil Society Brexit Project: Employment Rights After UK Withdrawal from the EU, July 2021
Brexit and Equality
Brexit and Environmental Rights
Brexit and Legislation
- The Civil Society Brexit Project Submission to the Joint Committee on Human Rights: Human Rights Implications of the EU (Withdrawal) Bill, November 2017
- Civil Society Brexit Project Paper to the Scottish Parliament Committee on Equalities and Human Rights: Departure of the UK from the European Union – implications for equalities and human rights, November 2017
- The Civil Society Brexit Project: Brexit and Devolution, January 2019
- The Civil Society Brexit Project: Brexit and the Immigration Bill, March 2019
- The Civil Society Brexit Project: Brexit and Scottish Continuity Bill, December 2019