Scotland’s Civil Society Network to Defend and Promote Human Rights

#HumanRights2020s: Responding to the Riots: Reflections, Impact, and Solidarity

Duration: 1:01:43 | Download (45.2MB)

This episode of the #HumanRights2020s podcast is a recording of an event called ‘Responding to the Riots: Reflections, Impact, and Solidarity’ held on 21st August 2024. At this online event, we heard about the reasons and background to the violent anti-migrant, racist and Islamophobic riots in many cities in the UK, and the disturbing hate crimes and sporadic attacks across the whole of the UK.

We heard the panel’s reflections on the Scottish policy context and impacts on people who are Black or from ethnic minorities in Scotland. Importantly, the panel discussed how civil society and community groups can and should respond. 

The speakers were Pinar Aksu from Maryhill Integration Network, Ruth Dunlop-Price from the Asylum Reform Initiative who coordinate Together with Refugees and Mariam Ahmed, CEO of Amina: Muslim Women’s Resource Centre.
