Consortium Responds to Inquiry into Role of Commissioners in Scotland
Consortium Responds to Inquiry into Role of Commissioners in Scotland
In December 2023, the Scottish Parliament’s Finance and Public Administration Committee launched an inquiry into Scotland’s ‘Commissioner Landscape.’
There are currently 7 independent Commissioners, one more which has been recently agreed, and an additional 6 are being considered by Parliament. The Finance Committee are considering whether a more strategic approach is required to creating Commissioners, as the number increases.
The Consortium has responded to a call for views on the role of Commissioners, and we have highlighted the need for additional powers and resources for Commissioners whose role involves the protection of human rights. These are specifically the Scottish Human Rights Commissioner and Children & Young People’s Commissioner. The current powers and budgets of these Commissions fall short of what is needed for them to work effectively.
Click here to read our inquiry response
Click here to find out more about the inquiry