Scotland’s Civil Society Network to Defend and Promote Human Rights

A Human Rights Bill for Scotland for All: New Report OUT NOW!

A Human Rights Bill for Scotland for All: New Report OUT NOW!

A Human Rights Bill for Scotland for All: New Report OUT NOW!

Scotland is a nation shaped by migration. While many Scots have emigrated and formed diasporas around the world, many people from other parts of the world have also made Scotland their home. There are now nearly 400,000 migrants living in Scotland, and each one of them deserves to have their human rights fulfilled and made real.

Right now, the Scottish Government is working on a new Human Rights Bill, which will bring international human rights treaties into Scots law. To make sure this new law works for migrants, we asked migrants to share their views and lived experiences. The conversations we had with them shaped this new report, and the submission we made to the Human Rights Bill consultation back in October 2023.

This report, 'A Human Rights Bill for Scotland for All' was created in partnership with JustRight Scotland, Citizens Rights Project, Maryhill Integration Network and Migrant Voice. It brings together the key points from conversations with migrants, highlighting the barriers they face to fulfilling their human rights. We hope that the Scottish Government will take their views into account when shaping the Human Rights Bill, to make human rights a reality for everyone living in Scotland.

This project is funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation.

Click here to read the long version of the report

Click here to read the short version of the report

Click here to listen to the audio report
